Today I will:
Write the vision, and make it plain. Habakkuk 2:2 (KJV)
According to pastor, author, and motivational speaker Myles Munroe, planning is a means of exercising your faith for what you believe God is leading you to do with your future. By writing your plan down and making it plain on paper, you are setting before you something to believe in-that your future can be as great as your hopes and dreams.
Many of us are afraid to write such things down because we want to be flexible. But what is really hindering us is fear-fear that we could hope for something too great to come about or fear that our dreams won't come true. We seem to unconsciously assume that by not having specific hopes or dreams for our future, we can't be disappointed. However, too often people who think this way are nothing but disappointed, They feel there is something they've missed in their lives because they never accomplished anything worthwhile.
Take time today to do some planning. When you look in your heart, what is it that you would really like to accomplish? When would you like your work to reflect the dream God has put in your heart? What do you want for your loved ones in the next five to twenty-five to fifty years? How about for your church and community? If you are ever going to make your dreams real, perhaps it is time to start now by committing these details to paper rather than just leaving them to chance.