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Wanted to Say Worship and serve God at New Hope Church in Cheektowaga while learning and growing spiritually. http://newhopesb.com/Wanted-to-Say/ Thu, 02 May 2024 04:58:22 +0000 en-gb Time For A Heart Exam http://newhopesb.com/time-for-a-heart-exam.html http://newhopesb.com/time-for-a-heart-exam.html Have you noticed how the media has been discussing heart health lately? Advertisers are promoting certain cereals as being heart -healthy, magazines advertise the latest heart- healthy vitamins and medicines.
The medical field has made great strides in treating conditions of the heart and now have the ability to extend the physical life by artificial heart replacement surgery  It would seem like science fiction to our great grandparents - something unheard of! 
I was thinking along those lines when I wrote the following journal entry:
2 Corinthians 7:2  "Make room for us in your hearts..."
The apostle Paul was writing to the church at Corinth when he penned those words. He was speaking metaphorically, of course, referring to the heart as the seat of emotions.
Although God's word speaks about the heart - not the physical muscle, but the unseen intangible emotion, there are some similarities between the the two.
The physical heart has four chambers - and if the heart dies, the entire body will die shortly thereafter.
That muscle works hard every second of every day, making sure that the oxygenated blood pumps through the body and that the waste product - carbon dioxide is taken to the lungs and exhaled.
The physical heart's job is to take in the good oxygen and send it to the rest of the body.
The believer's heart needs to take in the Word of God. That is how it stays healthy, and sharing the word will cause the body of Christ to grow and thrive.
The human heart, that physical muscle must take the de-oxygenated blood to a place where the impurities are expelled.
So too, in the believer's life, the worldly things that can capture our attention, and the sin that seems so enticing must be expelled from our lives if we are to live and breathe in this life which is hidden in Christ.
If the physical heart decides to take a break, to stop beating even for a few minutes, the body will die. The heart never gets to take a vacation.
So it is for the believer. We belong to Him for eternity - and eternity starts right now.
There is no vacation from the Source of life.
The One who, if for a moment, took His loving eyes off of us would result in instant annihilation, calls us to follow Him every moment of every day.
He knows what is best for us. What we truly need is an undivided heart.
Is there room in your heart for Jesus?
That is what I wanted to say. My prayer for you this week is that you would take some time to examine your heart - and talk to your spiritual Cardiologist. He is, after all, the greatest Physician!]]>
Wanted to Say Tue, 27 Sep 2011 18:14:36 +0000
The Penetrating Truth Of God http://newhopesb.com/the-penetrating-truth-of-god.html http://newhopesb.com/the-penetrating-truth-of-god.html There is a verse in the Old Testament that I truly cherish. It is found in Deuteronomy 29:29
"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law."
In this passage the Lord was speaking to the Israelites, God's chosen people, as they were headed for the promised land.
They had seen God's mighty hand work wonders, and had experienced first-hand the powerful deliverance from brutal slavery and oppression.Almighty God had done great things for them.
 Although these words were written to the Israelites,they could easily apply to God's children even now. The promise is amazing and it points not only to God's omniscience(all-knowing attribute), but to His mercy as well. The things revealed belong to us and to our children - forever! That is great news!
 My focus was on the secret things one day, as I puzzled over some events that took place during the time of the Exodus:
"Then the Lord relented and did not bring on His people the disaster He threatened."
Exodus 32:14
We all know the story very well. Moses went up on the mountain to get a hand-written message from God - life-giving words that were written for the for those miraculously rescued travelers.
Meanwhile in the valley below, the fickle followers quickly turned aside from the living God to fashion the infamous golden calf.
When the Lord alerted Moses of the situation, He made an offer to Moses that could be hard to refuse...an offer that only the Creator of the universe had the power to fulfill.
God would destroy these rebels and start out fresh. Moses would no longer have to face the heartache, struggle and tension of dealing with these stiff-necked people.
What a tempting offer - Moses could have instantly attained a great nation...no more whiners!
Surprisingly, Moses did not take long to make a decision. He reminded the Lord of His very words, and of the inheritance promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Lord relented and did not bring the threatened annihilation.
God changed His mind. Do those words bother you? Read on..
The same thing happened to King Hezekiah in Isaiah 38:1-8
Here's the Phyllis paraphrase:
The Lord told Hezekiah through the prophet Isaiah that his number was up. Get your house in order, you're a goner.
Those were not words that Hezekiah wanted to hear.
Hezekiah prayed and wept bitterly.The result was that the Lord heard the fervent prayer, saw those tears, and added 15 years to Hezekiah's life.
God changed His mind.
How can this be? How can the perfect, all-knowing,all-powerful,ever-present God do such a thing? Our finite minds have difficulting grasping this.
There are many deep theological texts that provide various explanations, and numerous translations to explain.
But the simplest explanation was put to me this way:
To humanity, with its limited capability, it appears that God changed His mind.
The reality is that God knows the future. It is not that He did not have foreknowledge, but because He had foreknowledge, He foretold to Moses and Hezekiah the natural course of things in order to prompt a response to avert them.
God did not change His mind as a man does. He is God!
That is what I wanted to say. Our sovereign King reigns. What comfort we can take from that truth in these uncertain days.
Allow these truths to penetrate your life this week. You will be glad you did!]]>
Wanted to Say Tue, 27 Sep 2011 17:17:07 +0000
Are You REALLY Listening http://newhopesb.com/are-you-really-listening.html http://newhopesb.com/are-you-really-listening.html Here in Western New York, as in most places, school is back in session. The sight of children standing at the end of the driveway, wearing packs on their backs, and new shoes on their feet signify the end of summer.
School buses noises and smells arrive on schedule and so the routine begins as it has for decades. The teaching and learning begins - questions are asked and answered. 
For the follower of Jesus Christ, the learning process should never stop when formal education is completed.
God has given us His Word, and learning and applying Biblical truths should become a part of who we are. There is much rich treasure to be found, and in one particular section of it, I was puzzling over something. I wonder if you have found yourself scratching your head over this as well. Here is what I wrote one day not so long ago....
I don't understand - I just do not get it.
In John chapter 5, Jesus encounters a man who had been sick for 38 years. The healing pool had been denied him for a long long time. He had seen countless others over the years go into the pool diseased and come out healed. The paralyzed were walking, the blind were seeing, the deaf were hearing, the mute were speaking. Marvelous miracles, all of them, but this very sick person never won the foot race to the pool.
Then came Jesus. Wherever Jesus goes, hope follows. Jesus asked the man what would appear to be an obvious question: "Do you want to get well?"
The sick man did not answer the way I would have answered. I am convinced that he did not know Who he was talking to. Instead of directly answering the question, he gave the reason why he was not healed.
 The man's Creator then spoke the words that were just moments before unthinkable to that very ill man.
"Take up your mat and walk."
Life changing, life giving words were voiced that day. Those were words that the man never thought he would hear in this life.
His body was now working properly!
So here is the puzzling part. Jesus later sought out this man to warn him of the dangers of his sin. Jesus knew the truth about sin and its effect.
Jesus warned the man that something worse might happen. He cared enough to speak truth into the sick man's life.
But the warning fell on deaf ears. The healed man went to the Jewish authorities and told them it was Jesus who ordered him to take up his mat on the Sabbath.
I just don't get it.
That is what I wanted to say. I feel conviction when I read those words. How many times have I turned a deaf ear to clear commands in Scripture? I just don't get it...
Let's pray for each other that we would have listening and obedient hearts this week, ok?
Wanted to Say Mon, 12 Sep 2011 18:21:55 +0000
Earthly Lives As A Race http://newhopesb.com/earthly-lives-as-a-race.html http://newhopesb.com/earthly-lives-as-a-race.html When I was visiting my daughter and her family out west, we participated in an event in Portland called the Fun Run. The contestants met in downtown Portland, were given the names of some locations, instructed to pick up a ticket at each location and at the end of the run, the tickets were turned in for prize drawings at the end. Speed and knowing your way around the city would be the best way to get the most tickets to win the prizes.
It was a lot of fun, and a good way to get some exercise and get to know that beautiful city better.
The Bible often compares our earthly lives as a race.
I was thinking of this very topic when I journaled the following:
"Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1
Contestants on game shows race against the clock.  In a foot race, the athletes race against each other.
Their courses are carefully marked out and each obstacle is deliberately placed in the most strategic location to accomplish a particular goal, or demonstrate agility on the part of the runner.
In a marathon, there are places along the course where the spectators can view the progress to encourage and refresh the runners along their journey.
There is nothing haphazard in the preparation of these courses - no impulsively placed obstacle,no last-minute changes.  The designers go to great lengths to assure the desired results.
If these course-mappers go to such great trouble to design the ideal course for marathon runners, how much more so does our Heavenly Father design the race set before us.
Although the human marathon planners design the course for an entire group of athletes, our Master Designer creates an individual course for each and every one of his children.
In this earthly life, we may sprint together for a season, but each ones map will look a little different.
Our custom-designed course will provide rest stops for refreshment, and a cloud of witnesses to not only cheer us on, but to show us how to run well.
Every single thing we need to finish well will be provided by the One who is familiar with our weaknesses and frailties; who knows  ahead of time the things that would cause us to stumble; who gives us strength when we feel like we just cannot take another step.
When we break the tape at that finish line, there will be open arms belonging to the One with nail-pierced hands ready to welcome us home.
What a glorious day that will be!
That is what I wanted to say. Be encouraged this week that you truly never walk alone - He will never leave you or forsake you!]]>
Wanted to Say Wed, 07 Sep 2011 05:00:00 +0000
Children Teaching Adults http://newhopesb.com/children-teaching-adults.html http://newhopesb.com/children-teaching-adults.html Aug. 10th was granddaughter Giana's 4th birthday.  How thankful I am that this little girl was hand-picked by God to be born at this time in history, in this country, to our family. She is, as with all my grandchildren, a very special gift from the loving hand of the Father. 
Two more grandchildren have come into the family since she was born, and lessons have been gleaned from observing them.  Four year olds and infants are able to teach adults a few things, aren't they? Jesus knew this powerful truth, and even talked about it in Matthew chapter 18.
On the day the following journal entry was made, I was the student, picking up a lesson from my one-week old grandson.
"My heart is not proud, O Lord. My eyes are not haughty. I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me."
Psalm 131:1-2
Watching infant Eli resting peacefully in his mother's arms sets the most beautiful example of this psalm. That little one is 100% content. No wrinkled brow, no fidgeting, just safe and warm, resting in his mothers arms - a picture of peace.
Eli is not worried about where his next meal is coming from. He has no concerns about global warming, world politics, or even the weather.
He has a full belly, a dry diaper and the security and warmth of his mother. All is well in Eli's world.
Eli does not care about what the neighbors think. He's not out looking for the latest, most modern stroller. He's not coveting anyone's rattle.
He's not looking down on the baby who hasn't grown as much as he has.
He does not care what kind of vehicle his parents drive.
This child is content. The most basic of needs being met is enough to make his life happy.
The psalmist is trying to teach me the very same principle I see lived out in Eli's week-old life. When I observe Eli's contentment, I understand that I have the ability to find contentment as well.
My contentment need not be based on my environment. My contentment can be based on Who I put my hope in...the Sovereign and compassionate, never-changing, one and only true God.
Because of Christ's supreme sacrifice - His death on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins - every one of them, past present and future, I have peace with God.
This peace transcends  time and circumstance. It is a peace the enemy cannot disturb, although he desperately tries.
Thank you Lord, for the lessons you provide each and every day. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear,and a willing and teachable heart.
That is what I wanted to say. My prayer is that we will be alert to the learning opportunities set before us each day.
Have a blessed week!]]>
Wanted to Say Wed, 07 Sep 2011 05:00:00 +0000
People Of Power & Influence http://newhopesb.com/people-of-power-a-influence.html http://newhopesb.com/people-of-power-a-influence.html Greetings Family,
I don't know if you have been following all the political news, but the discussion and interviews and debates have been making headlines lately.
People in power have made statements and voiced opinions. There really is nothing new under the sun, is there? 
People of power and influence in this world were on my mind when I wrote the following message to my Heavenly Father - the great and high and holy God:
I just love the fact that the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. You told me so in 1 Corinthians 1:25.
You chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; you chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. You chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are. Why? So that no one may boast, except in the Lord.
When I look at the people you have hand-picked for your spokespersons and servants who were used in mighty ways,I marvel at the list.
Moses was terrified of public speaking, yet towards the end of his earthly journey, he gave a rousing speech that took up two whole chapters in the book of Deuteronomy.
The king of Israel, David, was considered so insignificant that his father did not call him to dine with the prophet Samuel until Samuel specifically asked for him.
Isaiah's encounter with the living God brought him to the end of himself. He realized his sinful condition and only after having the purifying coals from the altar applied to his lips,  could he speak on behalf of the Lord.
Jeremiah confessed his potential inability to speak for the Lord because of his youth, yet he was used in a mighty way.
God used a poor Jewish girl named Esther to save an entire nation.
The Lord used uneducated fishermen to turn the world upside down and to present the rescue plan for a perishing world.
The seemingly insignificant, unnoticed, non-influential people are the ones that are used by the Lord. His spoke persons are an unlikely lot.
They were the candidates chosen by the Creator of all mankind.
After all, He does not look on the outside, He sees straight through to the heart.
That gives me hope and encouragement. If God can use the insignificant, He can surely use me. If He can use the ordinary,then I fit right into that category.
If He can change the mundane to the miraculous, it is obvious that He can use anyone, at any time to accomplish His good purposes.  Amen to that!
That is what I wanted to say. Be available to God this week, and watch what happens! 
Wanted to Say Wed, 07 Sep 2011 05:00:00 +0000
God's economy; Contrary To The World's Principles http://newhopesb.com/gods-economy-contrary-to-the-worlds-principles.html http://newhopesb.com/gods-economy-contrary-to-the-worlds-principles.html I don't know about you, but each day I check my email, there is inevitably many "FW:" in my in-box. Sometimes I will get the same forward from a host of different people. Sorry folks, I hope this does not offend you, but if I get the same thing from more than one person, I delete the duplicates.
The topics in these forwards can vary from funny, to friendly; tiresome to thought-provoking; patronizing to pathetic. If you are like me, there are certain people who send forwards that you are sure to open eagerly. I had just finished reading one such email regarding money when I wrote the following:
"Whoever increases his wealth through excessive interest collects it for one who is kind to the poor." Proverbs 28:8
That's the way it works in God's economy. It runs absolutely contrary to the world's principles.
"The one who gives to the poor will not be in need, but one who turns his eyes away will receive many curses." Prov. 28:27
In God's kingdom, the giver becomes the receiver.
The successful ones in the worldly economy teach that we must do whatever it takes to get ahead, even if it means stepping on some people on the way up.
So that means if you reverse the world's pattern, it shows a picture of God's heart - of what is really important to Him.
God says-
Blessed are the poor in spirit, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
The world says-  Never let them see you sweat.
God says-
Blessed are those who mourn,(mourning over sin, the godly sorrow that produces repentance) because they will be comforted.
The world says-
No regrets- if it feels good, do it.
There are so many other examples in God's word that would fill pages and pages of text, but the principle is clear.
Followers of Christ are called out from the world. We are in the world, but we are citizens of another place - a better place.
We need to live that way.
 We need to love that way..living out the definition of love: you before me.
That is what I wanted to say.
 My prayer for you this week is that you would take the time look at your circumstances and the opportunities that surround you each day through the lens of your  royal citizenship. Like the song says - "This world is not home, I'm only passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue." (Straight Path is familiar with this song  Smile
Be a blessing this week.]]>
Wanted to Say Wed, 07 Sep 2011 05:00:00 +0000
3-30-11 http://newhopesb.com/3-30-11.html http://newhopesb.com/3-30-11.html
Okay, finish this phrase: "truth or_______"
How about: "A bird in the hand is worth____ ____ ___ ______."

These phrases are easily repeated because we have listened to and spoken them many times throughout our lives. Commercial jingles, words to a song that plays over and over in our head are all examples of the power of words. One unexpected phone call from the state police could bring words of a tragedy that change your life forever.  Words are powerful!  Words of commitment carry responsibility, and vows exchanged at the altar are designed to last a lifetime. The words of humans are not always reliable; but the words of the Lord are true forever.
That is what I was contemplating when I wrote this journal entry.

"The Lord's promise is sure. He speaks no careless word. All He says is purest truth, like silver seven times refined."
Psalm 12:6

The Lord speaks no careless word, only absolute and pure truth - no empty words, no white lies, no broken promises, no compromise.
He never speaks with good intention to accomplish great things, but fails to follow through.
He is not like that, but His children often are.
Frail humanity in a fallen world both deceive and are deceived.  
Even God's children can lose sight of who God says they really are and Who they belong to.
When God spoke to Moses out of that burning bush, He commanded Moses to speak to the Israelites and instruct them. Moses' reluctance to obey reveals that he had a misconception of his identity. He had a flawed view- he did not understand his own identity.
When Moses focused on his limitations, he forgot that he was talking to the One who created him. Every detail of his DNA was formed by the Creator who called to Moses on that sacred ground. The bare feet that were planted in that place were very near to their Designer.
The mouth that said, "Send someone else, I am slow of speech" was talking to the One who formed that very tongue and was very  much aware of every word that flowed from those lips.
Moses lost sight of his identity as a chosen child of the King.
We are no different at times. Our identity is not made up of others opinions or what self portraits we may have created over the years. Instead, our true identity is made up of whatever God thinks of us.
If He says we are His children, then we are, no matter what the deceiver may whisper into our ears when we have stumbled, or failed, or have disappointed others.
If God says we are precious in His sight, then we are, in spite of how we are feeling at the moment.
What God says about you is true- every time, all the time.
His words never fall to the ground. Never.]]>
Wanted to Say Tue, 19 Apr 2011 14:25:08 +0000
Time for a Spiritual Evaluation http://newhopesb.com/time-for-a-spiritual-evaluation.html http://newhopesb.com/time-for-a-spiritual-evaluation.html Greetings Family,
Did you make any new year's resolutions? How are you doing with them? We are almost a quarter of the way through this year, 2011 - and I don't want to make you feel bad, or anything, but...it really is important to do an evaluation once in a while to see if we are still moving in the right direction. Did you set any spiritual goals for yourself?
In January our Pastor gave us a list of questions to get us thinking about some spiritual goals for 2011.  He is always looking out for our spiritual health - and watching over the care and feeding of our souls. That is a huge responsibility, and we should all be keeping our church leadership in prayer.
The world has its own set of goals and priorities, and they vary greatly from those belonging to the children of the Most High God.
The following journal entry was written on the very last day of the end of the first decade of this millennium.
"Let the unrighteous go on in unrighteousness; let the filthy go on in being made filthy; let the righteous go on in righteousness; and let the holy go on in being made holy. Look! I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me to repay each person according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last; the Beginning and the End."
Revelation 22:11-13 ]]>
Wanted to Say Fri, 25 Mar 2011 20:43:08 +0000
Relying on the Sovereignty of God http://newhopesb.com/relying-on-the-sovereignty-of-god.html http://newhopesb.com/relying-on-the-sovereignty-of-god.html Greetings Family,
I don't know about you, but at tumultuous times like this, I must fully rely on the Sovereignty of God, the Controller of outcomes. With the recent events that have taken place, and are taking place right now in Japan, it is critical to trust and pray, pray, and when you're done praying, pray some more!
We have family there, you and I. Our brothers and sisters in the family of God in Japan, are not only enduring the same set of circumstances as the lost, but they have an unprecedented opportunity to reach out, and point the unsaved around them to the only hope for mankind - the Lord Jesus Christ. ]]>
Wanted to Say Fri, 25 Mar 2011 20:41:51 +0000